The association of Friends of the Manufacture Royale de Bains

The association of Friends of the Manufacture Royale de Bains (AAMRB) has as its motto that of the historian Jules Michelet:

Non solum in memoriam, sed etiam in spem
(Looking at History of course, but in the service of hope)

A non-profit association, its purpose is:

- to promote to all audiences the proto-industrial, cultural and natural heritage of the Manufacture Royale de Bains,

- to help with its conservation, maintenance and beautification, in particular those of its historic buildings, its parks and gardens, its chapel and associated infrastructure (roads, canals, various networks)

- to promote the site to respond to societal civilizational challenges (climatic, ecological, energy, economic, social, cultural, informational, digital, civic and ethical) in the spirit of its motto

- to ensure the influence of this group through the organization of cultural events of all kinds.

Numerous events were organized in 2023 , to mark the 290th anniversary of the Manufacture Royale (concerts, sound & light, artist meetings, etc.).

The year 2024 will be dedicated to the memory of Julie Victoire Daubié, 1st Bachelor of France born at the Manufacture and whose birth we will celebrate the bicentenary. Find all the events on www.julievictoiredaubie.fr

To contact the association, you can write to the President, Joseph Kleinpeter: lesamisdelamanufactureroyale@orange.fr